Young Leaders (Explorer Scouts)

Looking to become a Young Leader?

We are always looking for young people to get involved with helping to deliver scouting to Beavers, Cubs & Scouts. The service can count towards your DofE award or your Scouting awards. You will need to be between 14-18 years of age. 

For more information contact your local Scout Group or Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) who will assist in finding a section you can help with.

Training - All young people helping on Scouting are required to complete a Module A training course ideally before starting

Training Dates

None Currently Planned

Leaders Information

Leaders Young Leader Brief

Above is an outline of the leaders role and what you are leaders need to do. If you not really dealt with younger leaders before please take time to look at the How to support young leaders section on Scout Base. 

Explorer Scout Young Leaders should be made aware of resources available and be given a copy of the Orange Card. This also applies to non-members operating as Explorer Scout Young Leaders whilst undertaking their volunteering section of an award.

Young Leader Notification Form

Please use this form to notify District you have a young person helping with your sections