District Activities
District Activities
Scouting offers young people the chance to try many different activitities
District Activity Team
Would you like to be involved in Scouting but do not have the time for a regular committment? The Vale of Aylesbury District are looking to put together a team of volunteers to deliver one off events and activities.
These events could vary from putting on bases at the Beaver handicraft, teaching the pioneering badge to Scouts or helping run a District Camp.
You may never have been involved in scouting before.
Please contact - Andrew.Inkley@VofADistrictscouts.org
Activity Permit Grants
Are you looking to gain an activity permit? Do you hold a leader appointment (Sectional Assistant/Assistant Leader/Section Leader) Then the District maybe able to support the direct course costs. Grants are award on 1/3 bases with the cost split between District, Group & the person. The grants are open to all leaders in the Vale of Aylesbury.